Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The Future of Iran

Amir Taheri: Islamist regime in total control
June 27, 2005

A fairly straightforward assessment of the current Iranian political climate. Ahmadinejad was selected and elected by Khamenehi as the man most capable of gaining Iran an effective nuclear weapons program. Ahmadinejad's election shows that the Khomeinist regime cannot be reformed from within probably stands as a truism. The Article, though, mistakes the threat posed to the rest of the World.

Khamenehi was one of the most radical clerics of the original Khomeinist regime, who has since organized and directs the Fundamentalists. His power over Iranian society was exhibited by the Ahmadinejad sweep; Khamenehi could not only win the Popular Vote, but control the Vote Counting bureaucracy to cancel the Votes of the middle class Rafsanjani Supporters. Khamenehi possesses the political expertise never held by Khomeni.

Khamenehi will become a problem for the entire World, as he is a Believer in the Islamic Fundamentalist War with the infidel West. He insists on Iran holding the Nuclear Weapons option to forestall Western suppression of Iranian training and funding of Terrorist incursions to the West. Taheri likened the Khamenehi regime to North Korea, but Iran will prove to be much worse; North Korea does not possess a religious fanaticism demanding submission of foreign societies. (The additional factor exists that Iran will use Oil extortion as No. 2 producer in OPEC) lgl

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